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Carbon Credits, Marketplace

Pre-Seed Investment in 2022

Summary: The largest marketplace for digitalized carbon credits

Founded in 2021, Senken is the world's largest marketplace for digitalized carbon and biodiversity credits. Its project credits can be bought, traded, and used by corporates to (automatically) offset emissions.

Background: A record number of investors and companies have embraced net-zero ambitions. A reliable carbon market is essential to reach these goals but, today, the market is an opaque mess with limited access, high fragmentation and high cost due to too many brokers and lack of transparency. Digitalization is solving these issues and Senken is leading the way.

​"Talk is cheap, action is green. We’re building the first transparent exchange for digital environmental assets"

How it works

Senken is a trusted gateway to the new asset class of curated digital carbon credits. Its marketplace is aggregating all on-chain carbon credits with an intuitive interface and enables curation, discovery & security.

Why it matters

$1ooB - expected market size of carbon credits in 2030
>60% of Fortune Global 500 have set emission reduction targets
In 2023, Senken helped 367 companies to invest in carbon projects

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